Acquapole Instructor Certification Course

Wet fit aqua gym conducts the Acquapole Certification Course for fitness instructors in Asia.

Join us and be one of the first trainers to get the recognized Acquapole Certification in Asia!

What is the Acquapole certification?

The Acquapole is not simply a pole in water! The innovation of the Acquapole method is that it doesn’t impose a certain posture when using the apparatus, rather, it allows maximum freedom of movement playing with water resistance.

During this 1st Level Course, you will learn how to conduct safe and exciting Acquapole training session. Participants will also have half day introduction to Aqua Boxing.

The course will include theory, practical exercises and demo sessions to general public.

Upon successful completion of the course and examination, the Acquapole international certificate will be issued.

What are the key outlines of the Acquapole Certification Course?

How to set safely and effectively the Acquapole into a pool

Different postures with the Aquatic poles

Positions and exercises for upper and lower limbs

Focus on the abdominal wall

Lessons for different typologies of participants (seniors, athletes, rehabilitation…)

And much more!